2023 Northeastern Genealogy Conference
Northeastern Kentucky Genealogy Conference
2023 Conference Registration
March 31st & April 1st 2023
Sponsored by the Greenup County Genealogy
& Historical Society
Location: Greenbo Lake State Park Lodge
965 Lodge Road, Greenup KY 41144
Conference Fees $20.00
Name: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
City: _____________________________________
State: ____ Zip: ________
Phone: _____________________________________
Email: _____________________________________
To assure yourself a seat, mail your payment with your registration fees.
Seating is on a first come first serve basis with payment at the door.
First 40 to pre-register before March 24, 2023 will
receive a special conference packet.
Mail payments to:
Northeastern Kentucky Genealogy Conference
C/O Greenup County Public Library
508 Main Street
Greenup, KY 41144
Email questions to GCGenealogy41144@yahoo.com
More details available at gcgenealogy41144.wixsite.com/mysite

Friday - FREE and open to the Public
6:30 p.m. Music by Kentucky Memories
7:30 p.m. Rail City Dulcimers
8:30 p.m. Friday activities end
Saturday - Cost $20 at the door
8:00 Registration
9:00 Welcome and Introduction
9:05 Rusty Heckman, KY Department of Libraries
History of Beckham County
10:45 Janet Scott—Kentucky Humanities
Mary Carson Breckinridge— “Call the Midwife”
11:45 LUNCH
1:30 James Gifford, JSF - Hidden Heroes of Northeastern KY
3:15 Kelli Bergheimer - Y-DNA for beginners
4:45 Confernce Closes